To return or not to return? Syrian refugees in Ger... France 24

To return or not to return? Syrian refugees in Germany question their future

Source: France 24 | Published: March 19, 2025, 11:22 a.m.

Since the fall of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s regime last December and an increasingly virulent debate on immigration in Germany, many exiled Syrians there are wondering about their future. Some are already packing their bags to return home, while others are eagerly awaiting the resumption of direct flights between Berlin and Damascus so that they can visit their families, but have no intention of returning to live in Syria. More than a million Syrian refugees call Germany home, with many of them having rebuilt their lives there. FRANCE 24's Louay Ghabra, Sébastien Millard, Anne Mailliet and Nick Holdsworth report.
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