8 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for, according to a psychologist

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8 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for, according to a psychologist

From Personal Branding Blog via Personal Branding Blog | Published January 26, 2025, 11:00 p.m. by Tara Whitmore

If someone asks why you’re single, you may feel obliged to explain. If someone questions your career choices, again, you might feel the need to justify.

But really, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for these things.

According to a psychologist, there are 8 specific things that you absolutely don’t have to justify to anyone. Recognizing this can be liberating.

Here’s a little sneak peek into what they are.

1) Your personal boundaries

Boundaries aren’t just lines on a map.

They’re the mental, emotional, and physical spaces you set between yourself and others. They’re what keep you healthy, comfortable, and balanced.

But here’s the catch – people might question them. They might not understand why you need your “me time” or why you decline certain events.

And that’s okay. Because here’s the truth according to psychologists – you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your boundaries.

That’s right. Your boundaries are yours and yours alone. You don’t need to justify them, explain them, or even make them understandable to others.

They exist for your well-being, period. And if someone struggles to respect them, that’s on them – not you.

Pretty empowering, isn’t it?

2) Your career choices

Ever been asked, “Why did you choose this career?” or “Why don’t you get a real job?”

I know I have. For me, that question came when I chose to pursue psychology. Some people didn’t understand why I wanted to delve into the human mind, how it functions, and how it impacts behavior instead of going for a more “stable” career like engineering or medicine.

But here’s what I’ve learned – it’s my career, not theirs.

You see, we all have different interests, passions, and life paths.  Whether you’re a painter, a teacher, a musician, or in my case, a psychologist – your career is your choice. You don’t need to justify it to anyone else because it’s not their life – it’s yours.

So the next time someone questions your career choices? Just remember – you don’t owe them an explanation.

3) Your relationship status

Whether you are single, dating, married, or somewhere in between, your relationship status is a personal matter.

For some reason though, it’s a topic that many people feel entitled to pry into and often judge. But here’s the thing – psychologists affirm that you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationship status.

Interestingly, in a survey conducted in 2019, it was found that 50% of American adults are single. That’s about 128 million people! And each of them has their own unique reasons for being single.

So whether you’re happily single, unhappily married, or contentedly committed to your pet goldfish – your relationship status is your business, and you don’t have to explain it to anyone.

Remember, the only person who needs to be satisfied with your relationship status is you.

4) Your lifestyle choices

Vegan, minimalist, couch potato, fitness enthusiast – whatever your lifestyle choice may be, it’s just that – your choice.

Yet, people often feel the need to question and even criticize the way others choose to live their lives.

But here’s a vital point that psychologists emphasize: Your lifestyle choices are just that – choices. Your choices. And you don’t owe anyone an explanation for them.

Whether you want to live in a tiny house, travel the world in a van, or simply enjoy the comfort of your own home with a good book or a movie marathon – that’s entirely up to you.

And if someone doesn’t get it? Well, they don’t have to. Because you don’t owe them an explanation.

5) Your decision to have or not have children

This one hits close to home for me. As a psychologist, I often encounter people who feel the need to explain their choice to have, or not have children.

But here’s what I always tell them – you don’t owe anyone an explanation for this highly personal decision.

Whether I choose to have a mini-me or decide that fur babies are more my style, that’s my decision. It’s a choice that involves my life, my body, and my future. And the same applies to you.

Next time someone feels entitled to an explanation about your family planning choices? Just remember, it’s your life. You call the shots. And you don’t owe them an explanation.

6) Your choice of attire

Who’d have thought that the clothes you choose to put on your own body could be a subject of scrutiny? But it happens. Whether you’re a fan of vibrant colors, prefer a more monochrome palette, or enjoy rocking a casual look, people often have opinions.

But here’s a little nugget of wisdom from psychologists: Your fashion choices are a form of self-expression and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for them.

It’s whether you’re wearing a three-piece suit, a pair of comfy sweatpants, or something in between – it’s your choice. You don’t need to justify your style or make it fit into someone else’s box.

So wear what makes you feel good. After all, your clothes are an extension of you and no one else.

7) Your past

Everyone has a past. It’s a collection of experiences, mistakes, and lessons that have shaped us into who we are today.

But here’s something important to remember – your past is your own, whether you’ve made mistakes, taken paths you’re not proud of, or have a past that others might not understand – it’s yours. You don’t need to justify it, explain it, or apologize for it.

Your past has contributed to your growth and made you who you are today. And no one else has the right to judge it or demand explanations for it.

8) Your self-care routine

In this fast-paced world, self-care is not just important, it’s essential. Yet some people might question why you need to take time for yourself.

But remember this – your self-care routine is for your wellbeing. So whether your self-care involves a long bath, a run in the park, a quiet night in with a book, or even just doing absolutely nothing – that’s your choice. You don’t need to justify it to anyone else.

Your self-care routine is about ensuring you’re at your best, physically, emotionally, and mentally. And you don’t owe an explanation for that to anyone.


As you’ve journeyed through this article, hopefully, you’ve come to realize one important truth – you are the owner of your life, your choices, and your journey.

Living according to other people’s expectations or feeling obligated to justify your decisions can be exhausting. But remember this – according to psychologists, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for the things that are inherently yours.

Your boundaries, your career choices, your relationship status, your lifestyle choices, your decision to have or not have children, your choice of attire, your past, and your self-care routine – these are all yours and yours alone.

Renowned psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” And part of that learning and change comes from recognizing that you are the one in control of your own life.

As you move forward from here, take a moment to reflect on this. Hold onto your power. Own your choices. Embrace your journey. And remember – you don’t owe anyone an explanation for being authentically you.

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