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She was the first human to use the memory machine. A revolutionary device that could extract information from molecules that had once been part of living beings, and reconstruct their …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
She had always been plagued by strange memories. Memories of places she had never been, people she had never met, things she had never done. She thought she was crazy, …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
He had one wish left. He had wasted the first two on trivial things: a new car, a promotion. He regretted them now, as he lay on his deathbed, surrounded …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
The Enemy! He saw him lying on the ground, bleeding from his chest. He recognized him as the enemy soldier who had shot at him earlier. He felt a surge …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
چون عمر به سر رسد چه شیرین و چه تلخ پیمانه که پر شود چه بغداد و چه بلخ می نوش که بعد از من و تو ماه بسی از …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
گر بر فلکم دست بدی چون یزدان بر داشتمی من این فلک را ز میان از نو فلکی دگر چنان ساختمی کازاده به کام دل رسیدی آسان If, like God, …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
لب بر لب کوزه بردم از غایت آز تا زو پرسم واسطه عمر دراز لب بر لب من نهاد و می گفت این راز می خور که بدین جهان نمی …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
گر کار فلک به عدل سنجیده بدی احوال فلک جمله پسندیده بدی ور عدل بدی به کارها در گردون کی خاطر اهل فضل رنجیده بدی If the world was governed …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
خیام اگر ز باده مستی خوش باش با ماهرخی اگر نشستی خوش باش چون عاقبت کار جهان نیستی است پندار که نیستی چو هستی خوش باش Khayyam, if you are …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
این یک دو سه روز نوبت عمر گذشت چون آب به جویبار و چون باد به دشت هرگز غم دو روز مرا یاد نگشت روزی که نیامده ست و روزی …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
The wise leader had a vision for his nation. He wanted to modernize the economy, improve the education, and promote the human rights. He knew that his country was rich …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy
The dog of the farm was a tyrant. He barked at the sheep and cows, ordering them to work harder and give him more food. He threatened to bite them …
Source: Latest Flash Stories
Feed: ReadFlashy