Our Product ReadFlashy is Published

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Our Product ReadFlashy is Published

From Bastaki Blog Posts via Bastaki Blogs | Published February 2, 2024, 1:56 p.m. by Administrator

Introducing ReadFlashy: A Platform for Flash Fiction Lovers

We are thrilled to announce that our latest product, ReadFlashy, is now live at https://readflashy.com. ReadFlashy is a web application that lets you write and read flash stories, and connect with other writers who are passionate about this form of fiction.

What is flash fiction?

Flash fiction is a genre of very short stories that can be read in a few minutes or less. Flash fiction stories typically have a word limit of 1000 words or less, but some can be as short as a few sentences or even a few words. Flash fiction stories are challenging and rewarding to write, as they require the writer to create a complete narrative with limited space. Flash fiction stories can also be very diverse and creative, as they can belong to any genre and style, such as horror, romance, sci-fi, fantasy,

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