#WorldBookDay Release of Development Tip: A Personal Development Journal

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#WorldBookDay Release of Development Tip: A Personal Development Journal

From Development Tip via Development Tip | Published April 23, 2021, 6:40 p.m. by noreply@blogger.com (Patricia Lacquer)

Development Tip: A Personal Development Journal is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and Lulu Press:

 I struggled with personal development. I eventually learned the ropes (and am still learning!) and created Development Tip, a website to help readers develop their emotional intelligence and personal leadership skills around the world. 

I created Development Tip so I could provide you with the personal development tips I learned that helped me the most. I later created this journal with over 50 personal development questions as another resource to help you along the way.

What does being a firefighter and paramedic have to do with being an author?

There is an assumption that my job is all emergency all the time, but many of the issues I deal with are social issues. I use my emotional intelligence and personal leadership skills to relate to patients, my

community, and my co-workers because I need to be able to talk to them, to relate to them personally. This is a skill that is not taught in fire or paramedic school. This journal is a resource to help others

develop their emotional intelligence and personal leadership skills for a more successful personal and professional life. In it, I use my experiences in the fire and emergency medical services field to

inform my writing as an author.

Did you know that every time you purchase my book, you help fund the personal development of a girl in Philadelphia? Development Tip has raised over $600 for Girls on the Run Philadelphia so far!

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